A Mother Far From Home

The art of nonchalance in motherhood

October 16, 2023 Rachel Norman Season 1 Episode 23

Being nonchalant is an underrated silver bullet in parenting.

Today we're diving into what a nonchalant voice is (and isn't), why it's effective, and how we can use it to promote peace in our homes.

Links mentioned in this video:

Why moms yell | How people work (Youtube video)
If Mama Ain't Happy (my book on boundaries)
Nurture and Play 

*I've been told since that the water experiment is pseudoscience at best, so take with a grain of salt!
** Nurture and Play is BASED on play therapy principles but as you are a mother who is NOT a play therapist, it's not therapy. It's purposeful play using coaching skills that meets your child where they're at and creates a delightful time of 1:1 with your child :)


Get things mentioned in the podcast here: https://amotherfarfromhome.com/podcast